Homework and spellings
In this section
Homework is set on each school day – the approximate amount of time for children each night is as follows
Monday – Thursday | Friday | |
Years 3 and 4 | 30 min | 40 min |
Years 5 and 6 | 40 min | 60 min |
These times are for guidance only and there will obviously need to be some flexibility within them. At the beginning of each academic year all children and their parents will receive a copy of their timetable and their homework schedule.
Homework set may take many different forms – reading or researching; obtaining resources to use in a lesson; revising; learning spellings/multiplication tables; completing set exercises, etc. Whilst some home-work tasks may require some involvement from parents it is expected that a greater degree of independence will develop as children progress through the School.
Homework Diary
All Year 3 – 6 pupils have a Homework Diary in which to record the work they are set. This is an important document as it serves as a communication link between home and school. Parents are asked to check that their child has completed the work set and sign the homework diary each week. Notes to teachers may be recorded in homework diaries. In Year 3 form teachers check homework diaries on a daily basis; from Years 4 – 6 they are checked weekly by form teachers.
Reading is an essential part of our children’s development and we request that children should read aloud at least three times a week, and silently on other evenings, for at least ten minutes. Parents are asked to complete their child’s reading record to confirm that they have heard them read.
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