Mathematics - King Henry



The Mathematics Department seeks to enrich every student with the mathematical skills, and confidence in those skills, that they will need, whether it be for intellectual interest, for supporting other areas or simply to achieve a good qualification in this essential subject.


The Mathematics Department consists of seven spacious classrooms and a department office. Each room is equipped with interactive whiteboards and data projectors. Pupils have access to various electronic resources to supplement the textbooks that they are provided with.


  1. Teach the subject content so that pupils are fully confident in using Mathematics and gain satisfaction and enjoyment from it;
  2. Develop logical thought and mental agility in solving problems, while stressing the need to work methodically;
  3. Develop an awareness of the importance of Mathematics as a basis for the study of other disciplines by teaching the application of Mathematics;
  4.  Encourage an appreciation of the elegance of mathematical order and provide a firm foundation for those who wish to continue their study of Mathematics after leaving school;
  5. Prepare each and every pupil to demonstrate their full potential in both their GCSE and A Level examinations.


The students studying Further Mathematics go on an annual trip to a series of lectures. We regularly send teams from throughout the year groups to Mathematics competitions.


Here is a Resources Sheet that has lots of and lots of fun and useful Maths resources.