Outside the classroom
In this section
Extra-curricular activities normally take place at lunchtimes or after school (a few musical activities take place before school).
Activities/clubs offered to the children might include the following:
Art, Construction, Nature, History, Sudoku, German, Spanish, ICT, Board Games Creative Engineers, Maths Investigations, Rounders, Football, Basketball, Ballet, Street Dance, Tap, Bollywood Dance, Chess, Choir, Rock Band, Orchestra, Papercraft, Percussion Ensemble, Playground Pals, France Dance, Cookery to name but a few!
Extra-curricular activities for children in Year 1 are at lunchtime or from 3.45 until 4.30 p.m. after school. At the end of after-school activities, children are passed directly to their parents or will be taken to after-care. A few clubs, run by peripatetic staff will take place between 4.00 and 5.00 p.m. Children can be delivered to these clubs by staff and then taken to after-care at 5.00 p.m.
After school extra-curricular activities for children in Years 2 – 6 will begin at 4.00 p.m. and end at 5.00 p.m. when the children will be taken to the playground by the person leading the activity. Children who cannot attend an extra-curricular activity for which they have signed up, must ensure that the member of staff in charge is aware that the child will not be present. Otherwise school secretaries are instructed to trace the whereabouts of the child.
Homework Club is available to children in Years 2 – 6 each night as an extra-curricular activity and provides an opportunity for children to do their homework at School. Parents are reminded, however, that staff cannot give each child their undivided support and therefore parents must also check that homework has been done to a satisfactory standard.
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