Drama and Theatre Studies - King Henry

Drama & Theatre Studies


The Drama Department aims to develop a passion for drama, theatre and performance in our pupils. We encourage students to look at theatre in the context of history, culture and society, always through the lens of an open, inquiring mind. Through Drama, pupils develop as performers, technicians, directors and critics but also as speakers, listeners, empathisers and team players.


The Drama department consists of the Drama Studio and the department office, which also operates as a small tutorial room. Our spacious, flexible studio is equipped with a lighting rig, data projector and raked, retractable seating. School performances take place in either the main school hall or the Drama Studio. The department is home to a large in-house store of props and costumes and an extensive library of play texts.


Drama is taught across KS3, KS4 and KS5. In Year 7, pupils study Drama as a discrete subject. In Years 8 and 9, Drama is taught as part of the English programme. At GCSE and A Level, Drama is available as an option (Edexcel specifications). These challenging, rigorous courses encourage a high level of independence both practically and theoretically.

Across our curriculum, pupils explore a wide range of plays from different historical periods and cultures, as well as appreciating live theatre. In KS4 and KS5, they are able to follow a performance or technical route, honing their practical skills in scripted and devised pieces.

This is a lively, exciting and busy department with a focus on creativity, building confidence, independent learning and teamwork. The connection between academic Drama and extra-curricular Drama is designed to be seamless.

Extra-curricular Drama is an integral part of school life, with regular acting and technical clubs, two full scale performances, examination pieces and a House Drama Festival taking place every year. Senior students are encouraged to extend their leadership skills to the extra-curricular life of the school, a task that they approach with vigour and passion. Hundreds of students are involved in leading roles off stage, through assistant direction, half term workshops, technical support, costume, make-up and marketing roles. Sometimes, they take on these roles in addition to performing themselves.

Most importantly, our Department is not about ‘stars’: our pupils call Drama a ‘family’, an ensemble of creativity, ideas and hard work. Many of our ex-pupils return to help out with performances and see their younger friends on stage. The extra-curricular programme includes two major productions per year (a musical and a play); the House Drama competition, acting and technical clubs and a Glee club. Some of our most recent performances include ‘Little Women’, ‘Les Misérables’ and ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’.


Our live theatre programme is varied, challenging, with a mixture of co-curricular and extra-curricular trips. The pupils provide feedback about the live theatre that they would like to see and their particular skill sets and interests are always taken into account.

The ideal position of the school opposite Coventry train station enables trips to Birmingham and London, in addition to the excellent local programme at the Coventry Belgrade, our local theatre at the heart of Coventry’s successful bid for City of Culture 2021. We maintain excellent links with local theatres and companies.

Professional workshops are an important part of the GCSE and A Level courses: our A Level pupils recently took part in the ‘Theatre Makers Conference’. They worked with three different theatre companies, meeting pupils from across the region and learning from professional performers and directors.