Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)
In this section
PSHE provides pupils of all ages with the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education that enables them to make better decisions throughout their lives, and play a fuller part in society.
Form rooms are often used to enable small group discussions. Larger-scale sessions can involve the Drama Studio, Lecture Rooms or Hall, and ICT rooms are used when appropriate.
What we do:
We provide a programme of study that ensures pupils are learning about areas involved in Healthy Living; Relationships and Sex Education; Economics and Careers Matters; Contributing as a Citizen locally, nationally and internationally; and Establishing Strong Routines. Society is moving rapidly, and it is essential that young people are properly armed with the knowledge and skills to help them make sense of an ever-changing world. PSHE is a significant route through which such awareness and understanding can develop.
Since it is not examined, PSHE gives the space and time for ideas to be considered, debated, disagreed upon and assimilated. It also gives room for the young adult to start to formulate their own perceptions, with a recognition of the value of character traits such as tolerance, understanding and compassion. These programmes are both carefully considered in terms of how they fit into an effective year of study, but also how they develop from one year to the next. This gives all pupils at King Henry VIII School the best possible opportunity to fulfil their potential as the future generation that will shape the world.
Heads of Year devise the programme, which is delivered by pastoral staff and other members of the staff body.
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