Biology - King Henry



The Biology department seeks to inspire and support pupils in all aspects of this diverse subject, whether for its relevance to everyday life, for pure scientific curiosity or for the pursuit of careers such as medicine or research. Practical work is at the heart of what we do. From the beginning of Year 7, we aim to blend the theoretical and practical aspects of Biology in an accessible way to ensure that all pupils leave with skills that will ensure academic success as well as readiness for the workplace.


The department has four well-equipped teaching laboratories. One of the main teaching laboratories has a suite of networked computers and all of the laboratories have digital projectors linked to networked computers. There is a central preparation room, main office and greenhouse. We are developing our outdoor garden area and have a small area dedicated to a popular lunchtime club.


The Biology Department aims to encourage a wider interest in Biology as well as academic success. We run a  lunchtime club and aim to make this available to pupils from all year groups. There are also workshops for IGCSE and A Level students. This year some pupils in years 7 and 8 will participate in the BA CREST scheme and have the opportunity to complete a bronze award. We encourage wider reading from an early stage and have a wide range of books in the library as well as subscriptions to some resources such as Biological Sciences Review. Pupils take part in events such as the Biology Olympiad (Year 13) and Biology Challenge (Year 10).

Each year, our pupils are very successful in these events which are run by the Society of Biology. Pupils also take part in essay writing competitions, again encouraging them to read more widely and to write fluently. Those students in Year 8 take part in the annual MISAC competition.


Starting in Year 7, we have a visit from Zoolab in the Spring term. The pupils get the opportunity to handle and learn about a range of animals from spiders to snakes. As the pupils progress through the school, other trips include visits to universities for Genetics and DNA masterclasses, a trip to the Huntarian Medical Museum in Oxford and trips to the Royal Society and Society of Biology events.

There is an annual residential trip to Wales for A Level Biology where the pupils get the opportunity to apply the ecology theory that they have covered in class.