Art is taken by all pupils entering the school in Year 7 and is taken initially for two years. In Year 9, they have the option to continue with a modular Art course for a further year, before they then have the option to study Fine Art or Art & Design – Photography to GCSE. Art & Design can be continued into A level in the Sixth Form. At GCSE and A level, candidates take external examinations set by OCR.
The Art department specialises in the areas of painting, drawing, textiles, mixed media and history of art. We believe that artistic development helps to foster pupils’ individuality. A great emphasis is placed on the importance of visual research and pupils’ ability to make connections between their work and the work of other artists and craftspeople. We are keen to encourage pupils to visit local art galleries.
A number of students have gone on to study Art & Design related courses at University. Some examples include: The London College of Fashion, St Martins School of Art & Sheffield University. Many go on to Foundation Art courses either locally or in London.
Pupils have the benefit of a lively extra-curricular programme of workshops, as well as gallery visits to stimulate and support creative thinking.
Lunchtime and after-school sessions give opportunity for GCSE/A Level students to progress their coursework projects, and for pupils in Years 7 – 9 to explore further aspects of Art.
A Textiles Club is held one lunchtime where pupils are able to develop personal projects and learn new skills.