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Readathon Success at Henry’s!
King Henry VIII School is officially an ‘Outstanding Readathon School’.
Ten Readathons have been run at King Henry VIII School since 1995 and, in total, we have raised £12,347 (more than £8,500 since 2015). These funds enable @readforgood to provide brand new books and storytellers to children in all the UK’s major children’s hospitals. It also encourages our pupils to read for pleasure and earns the Library free books to the value of 20% of the total raised each year.
This year’s Readathon raised the most money ever, a total of £2,378. Of that, £600 was raised by three pupils.
There are so many benefits associated with Readathon, which is now established as the culmination of the Year 7 Reading Scheme. Running the scheme involves not only the Library but also the support of parents, SMT, the English Department, Learning Development and often individual form tutors. This year it has also been supported by the Parents’ Association who have funded BookBuzz. Next week, all pupils in Years 7 and 8 will receive a free book which they have chosen themselves.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting this important work.