Key Stage 1
In this section
Key Stage 1 Comprises Of Children In Years 1 And 2, Aged Between 5 And 7 Years.
At Bablake and King Henry VIII Pre-Prep, the academic curriculum is broad, balanced and engaging. The children are appropriately challenged and supported as necessary and the teaching approach is a combination of whole class teaching, group work and individual support and challenge. English and Mathematics primarily take place in the morning, with other subjects such as Science, Computing, Geography, History and RE taking place in the afternoons.
Creativity is a very important part of the curriculum and children enjoy lessons in Art, Computing and Design Technology which all take place in our specialist teaching rooms. Drama is taught within the English curriculum and a co-curricular clubs after school. A specialist Music teacher delivers lessons weekly to our Year 1 and Year 2 classes and children are encouraged to explore rhythm and song as well as play a variety of instruments.
Physical Education
Developing a love for sport and other physical activities is a key part of our approach at Bablake and King Henry VIII Pre-Prep. Children are encouraged to practise a variety of skills alongside team work and co-operation. We offer skills lessons, fitness sessions and team games, taught by sports staff and class teachers.
Forest School
Forest School sessions are a favourite here at the Pre-Prep. We are fortunate to have extensive grounds in which the children are able to practise skills such as woodland craft, den building, supervised use of tools and cooking over a fire. Sessions provide for both planned and child-initiated activities under the supervision of a qualified Forest School Leader.